Warming Recoveries: Hurt Bird Wearing Tiny “Snowshoes” Gets Better Fast


What do you do when you find a tiny Northern Mockingbird with impaired feet? You take some cardboard and tape, add a bit of creativity and come up with an awesome solution to fix it!

Some good-hearted fellows at the California Wildlife Center (CWC) came to the rescue of a mockingbird with a foot condition that made it difficult for the poor thing to walk around, perch or grasp objects. The birdie had an unknown injury that caused her feet to knuckle, something that is a common condition in young birds.

The rescuers made something that looks like tiny snowshoes. The design made sure the feet of the bird were back to the proper position and feet could heal. Before that the bird had to stand on the tops of her toes all the time, which was only causing additional injury. ‘It usually takes a week or two of wearing the snowshoes before their feet are back to normal.” – Duane Tom from CWC told The Dodo.

The sources confirm that the snowshoe operation has been a success. The birdie is getting ready to go back to the wild and delight us with her lullabies. Hooray!

Recently an injured mockingbird was rescued by California Wildlife Center

The rescuers made tiny adorable ‘snowshoes’ to heal the feet

“It usually takes a week or two of wearing the snowshoes before their feet are back to normal,” – said CWC veterinarian Duane Tom

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