The unique Vietnamese lizard causes fear because it resembles a snake


Also known as snakes with legs, short-legged lizards terrify people because of their snake-like appearance.

Than studying abroad in Vietnam causes harm to the country

The short-legged lizard’s scientific name is Lygosoma quadrupes and is a species of the genus Lygosoma of the Scincidae family. This short-legged lizard is only found in Southeast Asia, including Vietnam.

Than spreading to Vietnam causes serious harm to the country-Figure-2

It impresses with its snake-like appearance, even the way it slithers and crawls is exactly like the reptile that scares many people in the world. Because the short-legged lizard’s appearance is not at all similar to a lizard, it is also called a legged snake or four-legged snake.

Than spreading to Vietnam causes serious harm to the country-Figure-3

The legs of this unique lizard species in Vietnam grow only for ornamental purposes. It seems to be a mistake of nature as all four of its legs are very weak, not strong enough to support their long and heavy body. . Therefore, short-legged lizards slither faster than they walk, looking exactly like the way snakes move.

Than spreading to Vietnam causes serious harm to the country-Figure-4

This species’ skin is covered by a shiny, sturdy horn armor with thousands of tiny scales. Has a 7cm long tail, total length 15cm.

Than spreading to Vietnam causes serious harm to the country-Figure-5

Both the front and back legs are very small, only 2cm long, but still have five toes, only one attachment and no part on the nose, perhaps because they are connected to the scales on the nose. Short-legged lizards live in burrows, they are often found in rotting logs eating termites and larvae.

Than spreading to Vietnam causes serious harm to the country-Figure-6

Many people who don’t look closely will be frightened by the snake-like appearance of this strange short-legged lizard.

Than spreading to Vietnam causes serious harm to the country-Figure-7

Despite its monstrous appearance, short-legged lizards are actually harmless to humans. They are quite gentle and shy, and when there is a sound, they actively hide and hide very quickly.

Than spreading to Vietnam causes serious harm to the country-Figure-8

Besides its appearance and nightmarish way of moving, short-legged lizards have absolutely no basis to threaten humans. They don’t have venom, their teeth aren’t enough to hurt humans, their legs are super weak and can’t scratch human skin, and they don’t have the skills to roll or squeeze.

Than spreading to Vietnam causes serious harm to the country-Figure-9

Even if you have the skills to curl, squeeze, and squeeze the short-legged lizard’s grip, it’s still nothing, humans can easily escape the distractions of this animal.

Than spreading to Vietnam causes serious harm to the country-Figure-10

Close-up of the tiny, weak, almost useless legs of short-legged lizards.

According to Knowledge

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