Ship Hunting Flying Sharks: China Has Equipped its J-15 Carrier Based Fighters with YJ-91 Cruise Missiles

China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy has equipped its J-15 Flying Shark carrier based air superiority fighters with YJ-91 anti ship cruise missiles, with these munitions expected …

Overwhelming Numbers: U.S. Air Force to Invest in Swarms of Cheap Disposable Combat Jets

Alongside efforts to develop high end heavyweight combat jets costing over 100 million dollars, from the Air Dominance Fighter and F-X sixth generation fighter programs to the B-21…

The First ‘Super Light’ Fighter: America’s F-20 Tigershark Was a Failed Predecessor to the JF-17 and Gripen Today

The Northrop F-20 Tigershark lightweight fighter was one of six American fourth generation fighter designs developed during the Cold War, was the smallest and least expensive of all…

Chinese Fighters Buzz ‘Unwelcome’ Canadian Reconnaissance Aircraft Surveying North Korea

The Canadian government has launched a protest after a Royal Canadian Air Force CP-140 reconnaissance aircraft was ‘buzzed’ by Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force fighters near…

US Army and Indonesian Army Conduct Combined Apache Attack Helicopters Operations

A U.S. Army AH-64E Apache attack helicopter assigned to 1-229 Attack Battalion, 16th Combat Aviation Brigade is flanked by two AH-64E Apache attack helicopters assigned to 11th…

Capitol Hill Isn’t At All Happy with the F-35: Engines ‘Don’t Work’ and Purchases Could Be Cut

Following the latest of multiple dismal reports by the Government Accountability Office on the performance on the F-35 fifth generation fighter program, a nearly two hour hearing…

First Sikorsky HH-60W Combat Rescue Helicopter enters final assembly

Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company, is beginning final assembly of the first HH-60W Combat Rescue Helicopter, which will bring unprecedented capability enhancements to the U.S. Air Force…

Russia’s first militarised Mi-38T transport helicopter makes maiden flight

Russia’s first militarised series-produced Mi-38T transport helicopter conducted its maiden flight on 23 November at the Kazan Rotorcraft Factory. The helicopter’s maiden flight was performed by test…

Serbia orders Mi-35 and Mi-17 helicopters from Russia

Serbia has ordered three more Mi-17 transport and seven Mi-35 combat helicopters from Russia, according to a statement by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. “Serbia is satisfied with…

Last appearance on the broadcast for the Czech backside

With the Czech Air Force expected to withdraw its Mi-24/35 fleet from service by the end of 2023, the NATO & Czech Air Force Days in Ostrava…