In order to shield their eggs from the California storm, the two eagle parents alternated in being buried in snow.


Thousands of people are tuning into a livestream from Friends of Big Bear Valley showing two bald eagles named Jackie and Shadow work to keep their eggs warm.

A video shows two eagle parents taking turns covering their eggs at their nest during a major winter storm in Southern California.

The bald eagle duo — named Jackie and Shadow — have been incubating their eggs for more than 40 days in Big Bear, California, amid some frigid temperatures, NBC Los Angeles reported on Monday.

The birds are being recorded on a livestream 24/7 by Friends of Big Bear Valley, a non-profit organization and advocacy group, and have been captured covering their eggs with their feathery bodies and a blanket of snow.

The organization previously explained that Jackie and Shadow “each have over 7000 water-proof feathers covering their body, so the snow they shake off does not even make them wet,” adding that they have an additional layer to keep them warm.

In an update on its Facebook page on Monday, Friends of Big Bear Valley said that Jackie was nest-sitting for hours last weekend and has been taking turns with her partner.

“Jackie’s method for handling bad weather is to sleep through as much as possible. But, no worries…when she woke, she shook all that soft white stuff and, as always, her waterproof feathers kept her completely dry, even under her snowy roof,” the post said.

On Monday afternoon, more than 14,000 people were curiously watching the eagle pair in their nest — located in a Jeffrey Pine tree in the San Bernardino Mountains.

According to the organization, the eggs, which were laid on separate days in January, probably won’t hatch, but the birds will continue incubating them “for up to a few weeks before they decide to give up.”

Another eagle in Minnesota also captured attention for getting covered in snow while sitting on its eggs last week. The state Department of Natural Resources explained that the blanket of snow on and around the eagle could actually help keep the eggs warmer.

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