How Wildlife SOS Is Caring for Injured Elephants


Wildlife SOS is a wildlife rescue organization in India dedicated to rehabilitating elephants suffering from abuse and neglect.

These majestic animals often endure severe injuries and chronic conditions due to mistreatment, and the organization’s veterinary team works tirelessly to provide them with the care they need.

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Hidden Abuse and Neglect Elephants in India often face brutal treatment from untrained handlers. Traditional methods such as beatings, chaining, starvation, and burning are not uncommon.

Many elephants are confined or made to walk on concrete surfaces, leading to chronic injuries like footpads, abscesses, and lacerations. These injuries are often hidden from tourists, with dark paint used to mask the wounds.

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Rescue and Rehabilitation Wildlife SOS rescues elephants from deplorable conditions and provides them with a safe, healing environment.

The rescued elephants often suffer from a range of injuries, including those caused by spiked chains, bullhooks, and other sharp iron instruments. These injuries require consistent medical attention and specialized care to prevent infections.

Specialized Wound Care The Wildlife SOS team uses various methods to treat the elephants’ injuries. Medicated foot baths with turmeric and Epsom salt help cleanse and heal wounds.

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Coconut oil, sesame oil, and neem oil are used to treat toenails and footpad abscesses. These natural ingredients are blended into a paste and applied to the wounds to promote healing and reduce discomfort.

Compassionate Approach: The approach team and elephant care staff work with patience and compassion.

For elephants like Jai, who has chronic footpad abscesses, the team dilutes anti-fungal and anti-bacterial sprays with coconut oil to reduce pain. This gentle approach helpsApproachts feel more comfortable during treatment.

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Challenges with Hip Abscesses Some elephants, like Raju, Bhola, and Jai, have hip abscesses due to their tendency to favor one side while resting.

These abscesses require twice-daily cleaning and dressing with antiseptic ointments and keratinizing agents.

Wildlife SOS uses a Protected Contact wall to safely interact with the elephants, allowing them to conduct medical procedures without causing further agitation.

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Long-Term Commitment The Wildlife SOS team is dedicated to providing high-quality care, especially for older elephants who require specialized attention. Treats and positive reinforcement help the elephants remain calm during intensive therapy sessions.

Support Wildlife SOS Wildlife SOS invites supporters to sponsor one of their rescued elephants and play a vital role in their healing journey.

To learn more about these majestic creatures and the work done by Wildlife SOS, visit their website and sign up for their newsletter.

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