World’s Most Advanced Hydrofoil Boats Fly Above Water

What an amazing new sport! Great to see all the foils are of the same design. Will be great to see how new developments take place over the next few decades.

Remember trying to hang glide around 45 years ago. Those old hang gliders are considered like dinasaurs now and very dangerous to fly! With razor-sharp catamarans that assist their hydros to 60 mph, SailGP athletes are pushing the boundaries of physics and the human clock. The Claire Reilly race is out for the water.I would love to see a much smaller version that was computer controlled and with a GPS display it can show the direction that gives the best speed and the direction that will result in the boat loosing hydrofoil. With computer control on the sail trim and hydrofoils you can set speed caps. It could give not only a visual display of what speed the boat is capable of at what angles based on wind speed and direction, but it can also limit the speed and give you recommendations of a travel path to a destination if you need to tack. The computer would definitely control the foil to help it not only get up on the foil, but to maintain a perfect height and full stability.1:18 – SailGP’s F50 sailboat: What it is and how it’s made 37 – How to make hydrofoils captain 2:49 – Team USA Jimmy Spithill 4:35 – F50 crew jobs 5:45 – Team USA strategist CJ Perez 8:00 – F50 marine sound from bus 8:50 – F50 sailboat sensors and picking 10:15 – The future of SailGP 10:50 – SailGP

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