Walking batfish: a strange, mysterious object newly discovered


In the process of existence and development, humans are constantly making efforts to explore and understand nature and the environment around us. Although there are still many mysterious and interesting things that we do not know yet, the year 2013 has witnessed many new discoveries. Including the discovery of many new strange creatures.

Batfish can walk

Scientists discovered a strange creature with a fish-like body but frog legs in the coastal area of ​​Santos city, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. This creature has two fins that resemble both frog legs and wings growing next to its body. Based on its appearance, scientists judged that this strange creature was a mutated long-nosed batfish (scientific name Ogcocephalus corniger).

This fish is known for its ability to walk using its special fin. Therefore, people also call it “walking batfish”. The long-nosed batfish has very poor swimming ability but has developed chest and pelvic muscles, which is the advantage that helps this fish be able to walk. In addition, they also have the ability to jump and drag themselves on land.

Giant sea worm

In August, divers captured images of a giant and strange sea creature off the coast of Tasmania, Australia. This creature has a transparent, cylindrical body, its body length can be up to 30m and can glow, made up of thousands of tiny zooids. They draw water into their bodies through the nozzles on their bodies, trap plankton, and then release the water out their back.

This species of marine worm usually lives in the upper layers in warm ocean areas. They are also classified as plankton, meaning their movement depends on water currents, ocean waves, tides…

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