Viper, but with a reddish-brown hue; how deadly is this “night assassin”?


Vipers are a family of venomous snakes found throughout the world. In Vietnam, almost all green snakes are green, so we often see green snakes such as red-tailed green snakes, green green snakes, and gentic green snakes…

However, not all green snakes are green, their colors are quite diverse, including a snake with a very striking color called the Guatemala palm viper (Scientific name: Bothriechis supraciliaris). See photos below:

Viper but has a red-brown color, how dangerous is this dark assassin? - Photo 1.

Viper – Bothriechis supraciliaris. Photo: Raby Núñez

Guatemalan palm vipers average about 50–60 cm long when mature and can also reach 80 cm in length. The color of this snake is very diverse, depending on the environment, such as moss green, yellow or reddish brown…

On the eyes of this snake there are raised scales like eyelashes, so they are also known as Eyelash palm-pitviper; Eyes that are vertical in humans, like a cat’s, are characteristic of vipers.

Viper but has a red-brown color, how dangerous is this dark assassin? - Photo 2.

Guatemalan palm viper (Scientific name: Bothriechis supraciliaris). Photo: Derechos reservados

Hình nền Nền Rắn đỏ Và Cam Ngồi Trên Rêu Nền, Hình ảnh Rắn Viper, Con Rắn,  Viper Background Vector để tải xuống miễn phí - Pngtree

This snake species is mainly distributed in Central American and South American countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador… They are found in humid forests (mesic forests) and have altitude 2,640 m above sea level.

Những hình ảnh về loái rắn đỏ nhật bản Mamushi có trong thành phần thuốc  Fuji Sumo | Rắn, Hình ảnh, Bò sát

Guatemalan palm vipers are most active in the evening and night; They are very good at climbing trees and can camouflage themselves very well with the surrounding environment. The main food of palm snakes is birds, lizards, frogs, frogs…

Because this snake blends into each school, it is sometimes difficult to detect; Therefore, cases of gardeners or farmers being bitten by snakes are relatively common. Although their venom is dangerous and difficult to detect when they are on trees, it is rarely fatal. Normally, this snake will bite the target at a very fast speed to inject venom and then track the prey to eat.

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