US Air Force Completes Successful AGM-183A ARRW Hypersonic Test

The U.S. Air Force conducted another successful hypersonic test off the Southern California coast, July 12. The Air-Launched Rapid Response Wєαρσи Booster Test Flight-3 was the 12th flight for the program and third release demonstration. The AGM-183A ωєαρσиs system reached hypersonic speeds and primary and secondary objectives were met. ARRW is designed to provide the ability to destroy high-value, time-sensitive targets. It will also expand precision-ѕтяιкє ωєαρσи systems’ capabilities by enabling rapid response ѕтяιкєs against heavily defended land targets.

US Air Force Completes Successful AGM-183A ARRW Hypersonic Test - MilitaryLeak

“This was another important milestone for the Air Force’s first air-launched hypersonic ωєαρσи. The test successfully demonstrated booster performance expanding the operational envelope. We have now completed our booster test series and are ready to move forward to all-up-round testing later this year. Congratulations to the entire ARRW team, your dedication and expertise are what got us here,” said Brig Gen. Heath Collins, Armament Directorate program executive officer.

US Air Force Completes Successful AGM-183A ARRW Hypersonic Test - MilitaryLeak

The test verified system integration with the B-52 launch platform and telemetry while practicing concepts of operations that will be utilized during its first Booster Test Flight later this year. The ARRW program is a rapid prototyping project aimed at delivering a conventional hypersonic ωєαρσиs capability to the Warfighter in the early 2020s. The ωєαρσи system is designed to provide combatant commanders the capability to destroy high-value, time-sensitive targets. ARRW will also expand precision-ѕтяιкє ωєαρσи systems’ capabilities by enabling rapid response ѕтяιкєs against heavily defended land targets.

Air Force completes another successful hypersonic test > Edwards Air Force Base > News

The AGM-183 ARRW is a prototype hypersonic ωєαρσи developed by Lockheed Martin, the missile has a reported maximum speed of Mach 20. It has been theorized to be the “Super-Duper Missile” referred to by President of the United States Donald Trump during a May 2020 press availability. The AGM-183A has a maximum speed of 15,345 miles per hour (24,695 km/h). The ωєαρσи uses a boost-glide system, in which it is propelled to hypersonic speed by a rocket on which it is mounted before gliding towards a target. The U.S. Air Force was considering using the remaining fleet of B-1B вσмвers as AGM-183A firing platforms, with each aircraft carrying up to 31 of the ωєαρσиs mounted internally and on external pylons.

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