Unearth 2,100-year-old spooky fireplaces – The expert is terrified with the Secret in the inner chamber!


Scientists claim that this fireplace is specifically made to provide heat throughout the night.

The unsettling fireplaceUnder Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province, China, a great quantity of rare and priceless Tang Dynasty artifacts were discovered in the underground palace at the base of Famen Temple in 1987. Archaeologists discovered two silver fireplaces with a very unique internal design in addition to the pottery, gold, and silver objects that had been deposited in the palace. One of the incense burners is known as the largest surviving silver censer in China and has a diameter of up to 128mm.

It was subsequently given the name “Central of China” and transferred to the China Museum of Science and Technology’s exhibition hall. This fireplace/incense burner is not only a priceless work of art but also a rare creation that demonstrates the ancients’ ingenuity.

burner for incense in the center

The fireplace with an incense burner has a distinctive style.Archaeologists unintentionally discovered fireplaces and incense burners with distinctive shapes while excavating. (Image: Baidu)

Around the Western Han Dynasty, around 2,100 years ago, the incense burner was created. This censer’s unique feature is that it can be used as a warmer to cuddle up in a blanket in addition to burning incense.

The hearth’s shell is made up of two hollow hemispheres. The outer shell is embossed with patterns of rattan, dragon, and phoenix … to conveniently conduct heat from the inside out. After separating them, the furnace body can also be seen due to a solid hemisphere attached in the middle.

Outside the furnace, the body is 2 layers of concentric rings attached by 3 rotating axes at right angles to each other. These axes keep the concentric rings from touching each other, and the inner furnace body can rotate freely in any direction and is always horizontal. When using, people put hot coal or bass into the hemispherical furnace body. Due to the anti-gravity design, even if placed in a blanket, the charcoal will not fall out and can stay warm all night.

Unexpected discoveryLater, when scientists carefully studied this censer and fireplace, they discovered that it was made completely in accordance with the working principle of the gyroscope. A gyroscope is an application of physics based on the principle of conservation of angular momentum.

It is designed with a rotating wheel or disc with the shafts rotating freely in all directions. This direction changes more or less depending on the external torque than it does with regards to high-speed gyro without large angular momentum. Since torque is minimized by mounting the device in universal joints (such as a Gimbal), its orientation remains nearly constant regardless of any movement of the object on which it rests.

The most obvious practical application of the gyroscope is the compass. Compass is currently being used with many vehicles such as boats, planes, rockets, etc.

By applying this principle, the compasses, no matter how strong the waves are, or how complicated the wind is, will always work normally.

The great scientist Leonardo Da Vinci was the first to propose the design of the gyroscope.

It was not until the 16th century that the physicist Gerolamo Cardano officially created the gyroscope and since then it has been widely used around the world.

The earliest record of the Bei Trung incense burner was found in the work “My man rich” by writer Sima Tuong Nhu in the Western Han Dynasty.

In the book “Western Business Journal” it is recorded that: “But the skillful craftsman of Truong An has created a kind of urn that can both smoke incense and replace the fireplace. Their purpose is to transport them away. everywhere without internal damage”.

Moreover, according to the Baike site, the Bei Trung incense burner is confirmed by archaeologists to date from 2,100 years ago, meaning that it was born 1,000 years earlier than the gyroscope. From here, it can be seen that the wisdom of the ancients is really profound, causing posterity to fall in awe.

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