Uncovering the enigma of Vezon’s peculiar mummies: Prehistoric remains withstand deflation.RITA


The mysterious and unexplained phenomenon of the Venzone mummies, which have been preserved in an unusual and remarkable state of non-decomposition.

The Black Death swept the Venzone village in the 14th century. Many people died but did not have enough cemeteries to buy all the bodies.

The villagers put the 42 ᴅᴇᴀᴅ bodies that couldn’t be buried in the graveyard into a coffin and stored in the basement of the chapel of San Michael.

When they opened the coffin, the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ bodies were mummified. The people believed that God’s will to send their ancestors alive to them to protect the village was God’s will.

Strange Mummies Of Venzone: Ancient Bodies That Never Decompose Remain An  Unsolved Mystery | MessageToEagle.com | Museo, Egiziano, Personaggi famosi

The mummies were treated very well as the elders in the village, and this tradition lasted till 1950. American pH๏τographer Jack Birns took pictures of the villagers’ daily Life with the mummies and published them in the Time magazine Life.

Candid Photographs Captured People Living a Normal Life With Mummies in  Venzone, Italy in 1950 ~ Vintage Everyday

The pH๏τos of mummies from Venzone became a phenomenon throughout the world. However, a mummy needs to remove all the organs in the body and the embalming treatment to prevent desiccation.

Mummies of Venzone, 14th-19th century, preserved in crypt of Chapel of St Michael, Venzone, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy, circa 1910; (add.info.: Mummies of Venzone, 14th-19th century, preserved in the crypt of the Chapel of St Michael, Venzone, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy, ca 1910.); © Fototeca Inasa/NPL – DeA Picture Library .

The bizarre story of the mummies of Venzone | Weird Italy

Please note: This photograph requires additional permission prior to use. If you wish to reproduce this image, please contact Bridgeman Images and we will manage the permission request on your behalf.

After the earthquake in 1976, there have been only 15 mummies prevented. They are now kept in the Crypt of the Cemetery Chapel.

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