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The Pandur II 8X8 is an armored personnel carrier (APC) designed and manufactured by Turkey’s Otokar Group. Introduced for the first time in 2012, it swiftly garnered international attention for its outstanding protection capabilities, high mobility, and advanced features.

**Protection Capability:** The Pandur II 8X8 is equipped with STANAG 4569 Level 4 armor, capable of withstanding heavy 14.5mm machine gun fire and anti-tank mines. The vehicle also possesses resistance against fire, explosions, and chemical, biological, nuclear (NBC) weapons.

**Mobility:** Powered by a robust diesel engine and an independent suspension system, the Pandur II 8X8 exhibits remarkable agility across various terrains. With a top speed of 100 km/h and a range of 600 km, the vehicle ensures swift and flexible movement.

**Weaponry:** The Pandur II 8X8 can be outfitted with various weapons, including remotely controlled machine guns, rocket launchers, and anti-tank missiles. Additionally, it has the capacity to transport up to 11 fully-equipped infantry soldiers.


#### Benefits

The Pandur II 8X8 offers optimal protection for soldiers in modern combat environments.

Its high mobility allows for rapid and flexible movement across diverse landscapes.

The vehicle’s ability to be armed with various weapons makes it suitable for a wide range of combat missions.

The Pandur II 8X8 stands as an advanced and reliable armored personnel carrier, meeting the demands of modern warfare comprehensively. Its successful export to numerous countries worldwide underscores its robust position in the international defense market, showcasing Turkey’s prowess in the defense industry.

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