The US military released a series of videos about mysterious flying saucers.-davinci


The US Navy has just officially released 3 videos about flying saucers (UFOs – unidentified flying objects) whose mysteries have so far not been decoded by researchers.

The above videos were first posted on Youtube in 2017 by To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science, a private company co-founded by former US intelligence officer Harold E. Puthoff and musician Tom DeLonge. and 2018, attracting millions of views.

The fact that the US Navy officially reposted all three videos mentioned above has confirmed their authenticity.


“The US Department of Defense released the videos to clear up any public misunderstandings… The phenomena observed in these videos are still described as ‘undetermined'”, quoted a statement on January 27. 4 of the Pentagon.

According to Sputnik, all three videos were recorded by cameras mounted on US military aircraft. They demonstrate behaviors that can hardly be attributed to current human technology.

The Pentagon said it decided to make the videos public because they did not reveal any sensitive capabilities of US surveillance systems or provoke any  subsequent military raids into space. However, according to observers, the move does not help clarify the long-standing mystery of whether aliens are observing Earth from outer space.

The video titled “FLIR-1” was filmed in November 2004 near San Diego beach, showing fighter pilots of the Nimitz aircraft carrier strike group encountering a flying saucer shaped like a candy box. Mint.

Two videos titled “GIMBAL” and “GOFAST” were released in January 2015, provided by former US defense official Luis Elizondo to To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science.

Last year, Mr. Puthoff’s company announced it would cooperate with the US Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command after acquiring “several super materials” believed to have originated from a “cargo vehicle”. advanced aerospace of unknown origin” in July 2019. According to the company, the Army will be responsible for “the laboratories, expertise, support and resources to help characterize the technologies and their applications.”

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