The Secret of Peru’s Paracas’ Long Heads is Finally Uncovered, Five Years After It Was Discovered


The DNA results are finally back after an excruciatingly long 5 years of waiting and waiting. In case you’re not up to speed, these elongated skulls were found back in 2015 in Peru and even though at first it was considered to be just a remnant of a mutated ancient human’s skull it quickly became more and more apparent that there was more to them than meets the eye.

Basically, the test results are in and there is 100% no way that these skulls are in any way, shape, or form related to humans in the slightest. The reason as to why it took so long is because they were very damaged, according to the officials; out of 18 skulls and 58 samples only 12 samples were useable.

The skulls are believed to be over 3,000 years old and the general consensus regarding them is that they are in fact alien in nature.

There are even a curvature and a depression there where the two hemispheres would be. The eye sockets are extremely big as you can see and the sagittal suture is downright missing altogether. Some have even declared that these might be the higher beings that controlled humanity and maybe even still do to this very day.

The terms Illuminati, New World Order, and even clique were all thrown around a lot during the discussions

All that we know for now though is that they’re definitely not human skulls, that’s for sure.

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