The poor dog, who managed to get out of the slaughterhouse with his mouth taped and damaged.


This is what little Mo looked like when she was discovered. As with so many others, Mo was a victim of Bali’s illegal dog meat trade.

The young child was discovered malnourished and half-dead in a Bali gutter.

The most difficult physical issue Mo had was repairing her snout after all of the pain and torture she had endured.

The blood circulation had been cut off by the tape, and the flesh was withering. Her nose was meticulously sutured in place, along with skin grafts.

Her lips was taped shut, and a shoelace was used to tie her hind legs together.

Her nose was meticulously sutured in place, along with skin grafts, as she was rushed into surgery.

Having gone through so much, the crew wasn’t sure if she would survive such a grueling surgery.

Mo began to heal gradually as a result of rehabilitation, time, and love.

She started to gain weight, her blood flow improved, and she regained sensation in her snout. Her self-assurance returned, and her personality shone through. Despite the suffering she had experienced, Mo blossomed into the beautiful dog she had always been. Sweet, loving, and yet trusting of humans, Mo thrived into the lovely dog she had always been.

The beautiful, loving, and yet trusting dog Mo had always been blossomed despite the suffering she had experienced. Sweet, loving, and yet trusting of humans, Mo flourished into the lovely dog she had always been.

Mo was soon adopted by a lovely and loving family.

Mo is now living her best life with a kind human couple who lavish her with love, attention, toys, and enough of treats.

In the first night she was home, she slept for 10 hours straight in her pawrent’s bed! During the day, she plays with her dog siblings, eats tasty food, and gets lots of hugs.

Thanks to all the wonderful people who helped Mo, she is finally living the life every dog deserves.

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