The fighter of the 4K generation with the most power in the twenty-first century


Fast paced head-spinning, and informative, Greatest Ever is a top ten count down of the marvels of modern technology. You may not agree, but you’ll be grabbed and not let go as our picks are put through their paces in front of our cameras.

Pilot one of the most unique fighter jets ever made in three challenging, “what-if” scenarios. Start each mission with a review of your flight plan, targets, and orders, then select your armaments and jet into intense, realistic combat from either an aircraft or forward air base.

In 1992 the team behind Harrier Jump Jet created military scenarios around contemporary global flash points. The result is three fascinating, 10-day campaigns in the Falklands, Hong Kong, and Finland. The Hong Kong campaign pits the RAF’s GR5/7 against a variety of little seen Chinese fighters, including the Jian-6 and Shenyang J-8 “Finback.”

The game development team put significant effort into achieving realism, with extra emphasis on modeling the Harrier’s vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) capabilities. They had working sessions with experienced Harrier combat pilots and engineers at the Royal Airforce Station Wittering (RAF Wittering). RAF Wittering — known as the “Home of the Harrier” — is the main operating base and headquarters for the RAF A4 Force.

If you are an air combat simulation fan, Harrier Jump Jet should have a place in your collection. Run a few practice missions to get a handle on this unique aircraft, and then push the difficulty level to Elite and get ready for a serious challenge.

The Greatest Fighter Jets of The 20th Century [4K] | The Greatest Ever | Spark

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