Surprising discovery of an unique Greek crown in gold over 2,300 years old


The man discovered the ancient Greek crown about 2,300 years old under his bed.

An extremely rare gold crown was hidden under the bed in a small house in Somerset, England for a long time until an unnamed man discovered it.

The ancient Greek crown more than 2,300 years old, made of gold, is in an old box. The discoverer was extremely surprised when he first saw it.

The stains on the wreath suggest that the crown was buried at some point.

He said that he inherited the old properties that his grandfather, a collector and traveler, left behind. His family doesn’t know how he got the crown, but they guessed he bought it around the 1940s while traveling around the world.

“I know my grandfather traveled a lot around the world in the 1940s and 1950s. He spent time in the northwestern border area, where Alexander the Great used to live. Because,” said the unnamed man. So maybe he bought the crown while he was there. But I never heard him mention it.”

Ɲthe man went to Duke’s of Orchester auction house to check the valuation. According to experts, it is difficult to determine the exact age of these gold wreaths. Stylistically, it belongs to a group of rare garlands of the Hellenistic period and the crown form indicates that it was born in Northern Greece.

Ancient Greek crown of pure gold weighing about 100g.

The crown, entirely handmade from pure gold by a skillful jeweler, weighs about 100g and is worth between £100,000 and £200,000.

The crown in the shape of flowers fused together is still in good condition. The flowers resemble laurel branches, often used by the ancient Greeks in religious ceremonies, awarding prizes in sports and art competitions.

The trees symbolize wisdom, victory, fertility, peace and virtue. They were used on special occasions or dedicated to the gods and were placed as offerings at the graves of the aristocracy in ancient times.

Article source: Infonet

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