Scary extremely poisonous snake, the longest fangs on the planet


Rattlesnakes and water cobras (cotton mouth snakes) are both the most dangerous predators, they are a great threat to both animals and humans. Both of the above snake species belong to the group of venomous snakes (Pit Viper), with just 40 – 70 mg of venom after their bite, an adult can lose his life. 

These snakes have an indentation on their face located between the eye and nostril, which is used to sense body heat emitted by prey.

Clip source: RoaringEarth.

In the clip filmed in the Everglades region of southern Florida, USA, the rattlesnake did not know how to get lost and ended up in the exact location of a hungry water cobra. 

The water cobra is a venomous snake, but it is slow, not as fast and dangerous as its venom. Although active day and night, they mainly hunt for food after dark. Their main way is to quietly stalk their prey or crawl in search of food.

The water cobra in the clip is typical of quietly stalking its prey. Even though they are both superior predators, with the advantage of choosing an active position and a larger body size than a rattlesnake, with just one decisive bite, the water cobra kills the snake. take down prey.

The battle for survival between the two most venomous snakes in America photo 1

The clip was filmed in the Everglades region of southern Florida, USA.

The painful bite laced with venom will destroy the prey’s blood cells, causing it to gradually paralyze its whole body, and then be swallowed by the water cobra. For prey that is too large for the snake’s size, after opening its mouth wide to grab the prey, the next step is to move the prey through the twisted digestive tract, where digestive juices in the stomach can begin. tissue breakdown.

Usually, the most terrifying enemy of rattlesnakes is the king snake – a species that specializes in eating other snakes because it is immune to the poison contained in snake venom. Therefore, being eaten by a water cobra is a rare occurrence for rattlesnakes.

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