Republic of Korea Army K136 Kooryong Multiple Launch Rocket System (MRLS)


The K136 Kooryong is a South Korean rocket artillery system that was deployed in 1986. The first extended rocket developed by South Korea, the 36 extended 130mm multi-strength kooryong rocket system, is a multi-strength rocket developed independently by the Defense Science Research Institute to respond to North Korea’s large-capacity radiation guns. Called Kooryong, the ωєαρσиs system was designed, tested, and manufactured in Korea for field artillery and artillery. Daewoo Heavy Industries is in charge of production and the rocket was developed by Hanwha.

Republic Of Korea Army K136 Kooryong Multiple Launch Rocket System (MRLS) -  MilitaryLeak
The multiple rocket launcher has 36 tubes and fires 130mm K30 and 131mm K33 rockets. The standard rocket is 2.4 m long and weights 54 kg. The K33 is 2.53 m long and weights 64 kg. The K30 has a maximum range of 23 km. Improved K33 has a range of 36 km. There are two types of warheads – conventional HE and pre-fragmented HE, containing 16 000 steel balls. Payload is conventional High explosive and pre-fragmented HE, containing 16 000 steel balls at a range of 22 or 30 km. Reloading usually takes place away from the launch position to avoid counter battery fire.

South Korean K136 Kooryong MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket Systems will be  delivered to Philippines | December 2019 Global Defense Security army news  industry | Defense Security global news industry army 2019 | Archive News  year

The launcher is carried on a KM809A1 6×6 truck. It is powered by a diesel engine, developing 236 horsepower. Vehicle has a full-time all wheel drive and is fitted with a central tyre pressure system. Firings are undertaken from the driver’s seat or remotely from the vehicle. Reload rockets are carried by escorting KM813A1 6×6 resupply truck, which carries 72 rockets. A fire control center is based on a 4×4 chassis. It is used for enhanced fire accuracy.

South Korea to purchase 58 Chun Moo K-MLRS multi-calibers MLRS Multiple  Launch Rocket System 0510144 | October 2014 global defense security news UK  | Defense Security Global news Industry army 2014

The Philippine Army has negotiated with the South Korean government for the transfer of its MLRS launchers for the newly activated MLRS Battalions of the Army Artillery Regiment. They are set to receive 3 batteries of K136 Kooryong MLRS from South Korea in 2020. Due to delays, they’ll be transferred by late 2021 instead. All K136s in Philippine military service are expected to be operational by June 2022. Four batteries are to be established with one assigned to the Philippine Marine Corps.

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