Reflecting on the plight of a forsaken and despairing senior dog, transitioning from begging for food on the streets to ultimately discovering a glimmer of hope is truly disheartening ‎


When a dog’s family abandons him, it’s sad. Families may refuse to care for sick or elderly dogs, but they are ignorant of the suffering they inflict the dog when they abandon him.

Ray, an 8-year-old Labrador Retriever who had been abandoned by his family, was discovered walking alone in the streets of Torrance, California. His eyes were crusty and sad. His physique was skeletal-thin, and his coat-fur was disappearing in spots owing to starvation.

Ray was rescued by the Carson Shelter staff in California. Ray’s health improved owing to the shelter volunteers, but he remained despondent. He was shortly given up for adoption. The preference for elderly dogs appears to be relatively modest.

Update: Ray has now been adopted! Ray’s sentiments towards individuals haven’t altered at all. He continues to respond to every human being with love. Watching him in the video so sad and despondent broke our hearts. We hope Ray’s spirits swiftly revive that he continues to be showered with love and care.

Check out the video below to witness Ray’s sad rescue.

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