Presented below is the US’s shocking New World System


It’s the same size and cargo capacity as the Nimitz, always good to see more carriers but not sure what made the video creator say this one Shocked the world. It’s a modern Nimitz, it’s not like a leap from Midway class to Forrestal.You can’t sink it. So why does it need so much protection.

It’s the same size and cargo capacity as the Nimitz, always good to see more carriers but not sure what made the video creator say this one Shocked the world. It’s a modern Nimitz, it’s not like a leap from Midway class to Forrestal.You can’t sink it. So why does it need so much protection.

Because it can be sunk taken out of commission. As Tom Clancy pointed out, submarines are the primary threat. It even surrounds itself with sacrificial ships.The weapon capable of sinking an American aircraft carrier is the P-700 supersonic cruise missile of the Granit complex. In Russia, there are more advanced missiles, for example, Caliber or Zircon.Amy carrier, Light Carrier, normal Carrier, Suoercarrier, can be sunk. Some would be harder, maybe even way harder, but they can all be sunk in the end.

They would just take more effort, like multiple ICBMs SLBMs or an entire anti-ship barrage from multiple Kirov-class battle cruisers and other small missile launching ships or a tungsten rod from space, but they are not unsinkable.The knight is the only back row price that can be moved on the first turn because of how it moves. It’s the only piece that Does not need a fully clean movement path to reach its final movement square.

You don’t have to sink them, just make them inoperable and innefective.Imagine a myriad of small drones flying and attaching to surface of ship, armed with machine gun and motion sensor they keep ship on physical lockdown.What if they created a bomb type weapon to create cavitation or create a massive air bubble or bubbles underneath.

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