The mystery of Jing Gong’s tomb of Qi’s 600 sacrificial horses

Iп 1964, a sυrprisiпg discoʋery was мade iп Chiпa – a toмƄ coпtaiпiпg the reмaiпs of hυпdreds of horses, arraпged пeatly iп rows. Sυch a coмplex Ƅυrial…

The weirdest things found on animal corpses are terrible (Video)

Basically, all learning is tested when the food is in the stomach, we come out from a place that everyone knows.However, as a unit we have to…

Currently, the US is looking into a pricey, creative, and untested helicopter program

The United States military is currently testing a brand new helicopter program that has never been seen before. The program, which is costing billions of dollars, is…

The largest tanks ever built are these

Military vehicles are often lauded for their overbuilt qualities, with key attributes measured in size, firepower, and durability. However, even among machines known for their impressive stature, there…

Russia is worried as the US tests the new Super A-10 Warthog

The United States has always been able to design deadly aircraft. But sometimes engineers have managed to exceed even the wildest expectations by practically designing an impenetrable…

Lethal weapons system modifications for the US Army’s Strykers

The Stryker is a family of eight-wheeled armored fighting vehicles derived from the Canadian LAV III. Stryker vehicles are produced by General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) for…

The most outlandish aircraft carriers in the world have sucked it up

Here’s Top 8 Aircraft Carriers in the World 1. Gerald R Ford Class, USA. The title of the world’s biggest aircraft carrier belongs to the US Navy’s…

The “Hummer,” the first airborne early warning system, is unparalleled

Six decades of active service have been logged by the E-2 Hawkeye. The Northrup Grumman-built E-2 is capable of operating in all weather conditions and from aircraft…

The five-day-old gorilla can’t keep his eyes open because he’s sleepy (VIDEO)

Adorable footage of a five-day-old gorilla struggling to keep his eyes open as he lies in his mother’s arms. The video, filmed at Twycross Zoo in Atherstone,…

A massive fish weighing 750 kg was caught by fishermen off the coast of Karnataka

Maпy people were drawп to the big catch, aпd resideпts coпgregated iп the port area to see the massive fish. Α fishermaп weпt deep sea fishiпg off…