Oh, sweetheart! At 19 months old, my baby is so large that he fits into his 4-year-old brother’s clothes and is being considered for football teams.pink


This giant baby is the same size as his four-year-old brother, and the pair can now share clothes.

19-month-old Xaylen Asher Richard is over the 100th percentile for his size, and can now fit into older brother Judah’s, 4, clothes.

Mum Salitza Richard, 31, from Dallas, Texas, was worried about the health of her son, as he grew very quickly in a short time period, fitting into 12-18 month clothes at just six-months-old.

Because of his size, athlete trainer Salitza believes her son was delayed in walking until he was older, but jokes it has given her a much bigger bicep because of his size and carrying him around for longer.

Already being scouted for football teams at 19-months-old, Salitza knows her son will definitely be tall when he’s older, even though he was only eight pounds when he was born.

Salitza explains: “It was insane how fast he grew. He was above the 100 percentile every time we went to the doctor.

“It was hilarious the first time we went to the doctor when he had his two week check up. She asked us if were sure we had the right baby as he always looked older for his sage.

“I was concerned for his health as I wondered if it was healthy for baby to be as fat as he was and she said everything was perfect.

“I have an older son who was the complete opposite, he was always in the lower percentile. My older son Judah is four and Xaylen is just over a year old and they now wear the same size clothes.

“The rate he is growing is nuts. I had clothes from when Judah was younger he was wearing but I have to keep going up a size and switching so often.

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