North Queensland’s rare four-legged chicken seeks a new home after being “bullied” by other hens


A four-legged hen has been rehomed after it was bullied and pecked by other chickens for being different.

The chicken on a Kairi hobby farm in North was picked on by her feathered cohorts who relentlessly pecked at her spine, putting the bird at risk of infection.

It is believed the unusual hen suffers from polymelia – a rare condition where one or more extra limbs grow – and it has been known to affect humans, too.

The owner Jess Leeming took to social media last weekend in a desperate bid to find another home for the hapless chook (pictured) before her condition deteriorated

The owner Jess Leeming took to social media last weekend in a desperate bid to find another home for the hapless chook before her condition deteriorated.

‘I have a four-legged (yes, four-legged) young hen that needs some TLC if anyone is interested?’ the post read.

Thailand recently made headlines with a fascinating discovery that left people around the world both intrigued and amazed. The story of Thailand’s four-legged chicken underscored the interconnectedness of all life forms and the power of human compassion and ingenuity. As the village became a focal point for curious minds and open discussions, it served as a reminder that every living being, no matter how extraordinary, has a place in our complex and beautiful world.

A four-legged chicken, a true marvel of nature, was found in a rural village, showcasing the curious quirks of evolution and the boundless ingenuity of humans in nurturing and raising the extraordinary.

The unusual fowl, with its four fully formed legs, captured the attention of villagers and experts alike. News of the discovery spread rapidly, captivating the imagination of both scientists and the general public. This remarkable creature was living proof of the diversity that can emerge within the animal kingdom, a testament to the unexpected ways life adapts and thrives.

The owner Jess Leeming took to social media last weekend in a desperate bid to find another home for the hapless chook (pictured) before her condition deteriorated

They say they don’t count your chickens, but you’d be excused for counting the legs on this chicken саᴜɡһt on tape in Thailand. The Zagreb video features some bemused locals laughing while recording a four-legged chicken wandering around looking for food. Completely indifferent to the situation, the chicken’s two extra, deformed legs trail behind it and dгаɡ along the floor as it walks.Α woman picks up the chicken and brings it into a better view of the camera, and the bird seems perplexed by the attention it has gained.

The video concludes with a close-up ѕһot of the chicken minding its own business, seemingly content with its additional body parts. Surprisingly, four-legged chickens are not as uncommon as many people would think.

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