Nevada produced evidence of an extinct race of ancient giants


Many Native American tribes speak about tall and powerful giants that formerly roamed the Nevada region thousands of years ago. Those giants are described as ruthless, cannibalistic, and exceedingly barbarous in the account. The Paiute is the Native American tribe that is discussing this race. The giants are known as “Si-TeCah.” This is short for “tule-eaters.”

This is due to the fact that those creatures traveled across the ocean from a faraway island. According to tradition, these tribes of giants launched a war on the Paiutes and all other tribes in the area. Native tribes were decimated and nearly obliterated as a result of the battle.

They did, however, band together and fight the giants. They enticed them into a cave, then set fire to them while closing the entrance.

Several 15-inch long sandals were discovered within the cave and are currently housed in a museum.

However, we only have a palm print on one of the cave’s walls as apparent proof. Take a look at the video below and let us know what you think

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