“Miraculous: Woman Pole Dancing at 37 Weeks Pregnant”.-davinci


A mother who continued bailando aérea y en barra until the 37th week of her pregnancy affirmed that the hard training helped prevent any “morning nausea or fatigue”.

The professional dancer Jade, who was afraid of being infertile after her strict exercise regime stopped her periods at only 15 years, continued to dance and bar until 37 weeks pregnant, but reduced her training to a great extent after 17 weeks.

Then, on August 1, Jade and her partner Nathan, 34 years old, welcomed a healthy baby, Maddox, who weighed 6 pounds and 8 ounces.

The fitness fanatic Jade Flash, in the photo, who continued to dance in the air and on the bar until the 37th week of her pregnancy, affirmed that the hard training helped prevent any “morning nausea or fatigue”.



Jade, photographed with her companion Nathan, both from Birmingham, followed bailando en barra until 37 weeks pregnant, but reduced her training to a great extent after 17 weeks.

Jade, photographed with her companion Nathan, both from Birmingham, followed bailando en barra until 37 weeks pregnant, but reduced her training to a great extent after 17 weeks.

After getting the go-ahead from the doctors, Jade continued to train as an aerial and bar dancer after becoming pregnant, but only for one day instead of 45 hours per week.

She said: “Because I am so fit and healthy, the doctor said my body would be worse if I stopped doing it completely.

“I was very lucky because I didn’t have nausea or fatigue and I praise the exercise for that. I continued to act up for 17 weeks, but I made sure I didn’t do anything that could harm the baby.



“I was very careful with anything silk that wrapped around my belly and I didn’t do anything on the pole where it crushed my riga.” If something didn’t seem right to me, I would stop immediately.”

Jade practices her aerial dance and the barre during her pregnancy
Other impressive images, vistas above, show Jade using her force to maintain herself in a split position towards the sides.

On August 1, Jade and her companion Nathan, 34, welcomed a healthy baby, Maddox, who weighed 6 pounds and 8 ounces. And the photo together



Before Maddox, Jade thought she was infertile because she had not ovulated during the last 12 years, but she returned to having her period while she was on vacation with her partner.

The doctors told her that her only chance of getting pregnant would be via IVF, since her menstrual cycle was stopped when she was only 15 years old.

Después de obtener el visto bueno de los medicos, Jade (arrived with her partner and her son) continued to train as an aerial and barre dancer, but only for one day and instead of 45 hours per week.

Después de obtener el visto bueno de los medicos, Jade (arrived with her partner and her son) continued to train as an aerial and barre dancer, but only for one day and instead of 45 hours per week.



Jade, in the photo, said: “As I’m fit and healthy, the doctor said my body would be worse if I stopped doing it completely.”

Jade, in the photo, said: “As I’m fit and healthy, the doctor said my body would be worse if I stopped doing it completely.”

Jade, photographed during her dance training when she was pregnant, naturally gave birth to Maddox, who weighed a healthy 6 pounds and 8 ounces.
Jade, photographed during her dance training when she was pregnant, naturally gave birth to Maddox, who weighed a healthy 6 pounds and 8 ounces.



But after taking a brief break from her strict dancing and acting regimen, her periods returned and Jade soon became pregnant.

Jade said: “When I was a teenager, I had a low peso, so I had a lot of money, and I was losing money because I was training too much.”

“But it was difficult not to do it. Me apasiona la danza y siempre me he esforzado por ser lo mejor que puedo ser. I started my career at 16 and danced in Mexico, at private parties with celebrities and even did a tour of the United Kingdom with a circus.

“I was training for six hours all day and night in the shows of the night; It was intense but I loved it. “It wasn’t until I grew up and Nathan, who is a business owner, suggested we start a family.”









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