Honoring NICU Families: Documenting Tender Moments with Gather Birth


It’s been a year since Gather Birth founder Gina documented the journey of a new family of four during their NICU stay.

For these parents, the journey they envisioned for their twin girls’ births didn’t unfold as expected. Processing changes in your birth plan takes time, and grieving the birth story you envisioned may never truly be over.

While a makeup photography session will never replace the missed moments, the Gather Birth team believes that every family deserves to have their early memories preserved. Our team of birth photographers feels honored every time we document a birth or postpartum experience here in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and the greater Twin Cities area.

Sometimes, our team quietly enters the NICU space to capture these memories for families. For many NICU families, their experience in the neonatal intensive care unit feels all-encompassing; it’s challenging to think ahead to when they’ll bring their babies home.

We intentionally document these NICU moments, focusing on the tender and instinctual parenting already unfolding and surrounding each baby.

Your dedication and love for your babies deserve to be preserved.

If you’re a NICU parent, please take a look at our favorite resources for families, including both local Twin Cities and virtual options.


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