He Resorted to Collecting Rocks to Survive, Highlighting the Harsh Realities That Abandoned Animals Must Endure. hanh


Everything in his stomach is full of stones!!!!! Yes how you read stones!!! He can’t eat or defecate because his stomach is full of stones! This is the sadness I experienced 4 days ago!

“His look pierced my heart. God allow anyone to throw away this sad person… How can a person have such a knowledge of life?”

Veterinarians will be able to perform blood tests, ultrasounds and x-rays as soon as possible. You should also perform surgery as soon as possible.h-a-n-h

He was not sure of his prognosis and did not know that eternal damage had been done! But he will do everything possible to preserve his life.

It’s just a bad dog, but veterinarians can change this fate, but first you have to follow the path.

Look how long the queue is, after a few days, the doctors finally performed the surgery. She has removed several stones but she is still quite weak.h-a-n-h

He remained silent the entire time. He doesn’t bark and that bothers the doctors. Maybe he’s still upset, he needs more time to get into a better attitude.h-a-n-h

After all, it looks much better. She started playing, which is a positive sign. Finally he barked for the first time. What a voice!

His name is Angel. It’s exciting to watch him play; It looks fantastic. You then have to empty it and deworm it and, finally, locate it in its new permanent home.h-a-n-h

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