Flying saucers have appeared many times in Vietnam?-davinci


Flying saucers (UFOs) – the mystery of all mankind – have “appeared” several times in Vietnam, causing a stir in public opinion.

In Vietnam, most recently, rumors of “flying saucers” appeared in Thanh Hoa. Suspicion stemmed from the published photo of a strange object. The author of the photo is Le Khac Dat, 19 years old, residing in village 3, Hoang Ha commune, Hoang Hoa district, Thanh Hoa province. Dat said that the photo was taken around 5:00 p.m., December 9, 2012 and while taking the photo, he did not detect anything, but after reviewing it, he suddenly discovered a strange object appearing in the photo.

People in the village heard that Dat had taken a photo of a “flying saucer” and came to see it. Many viewers suspected Dat of using photoshop, but when looking at the original photo, it was indeed a real photo.

Everyone was still skeptical, because besides the photo that Dat accidentally took, no one saw a “flying saucer” in the sky of Thanh Hoa at that time. The authenticity of this photo has not been verified. Local authorities are checking this information that is causing a stir.

Ho Chi Minh City has a strange light spot


Previously, on July 26, 2011, a 26-second video recording a long spot of light moving slowly and then suddenly disappearing in Ho Chi Minh City was posted on YouTube, making many people think it was a “flying saucer”. . The owner described the clip as being filmed at 12 midnight on July 25 in an apartment building in District 3, Ho Chi Minh City.

The clip attracted many viewers and debates. The owner who recorded the clip was also curious, wondering if it was a real “flying saucer” or not.

Suspected “flying saucer” glowing in the sky of the capital


At 5:00 – 5:30 pm on October 28, 2010, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Vu (Hanoi) filmed an image of a flying object creating a streak of light in the sky, like a burned object flying through space. through the earth’s atmosphere. The clip was posted and many viewers thought that this was a “flying saucer” glowing in the sky over Hanoi.

However, responding to the press, Mr. Nguyen Duc Phuong – Vietnam Astronomy and Space Association – affirmed that the “strange object” mentioned above is a civil aircraft.

Mr. Phuong explained that because the time it happened was around 5 p.m., early winter, it got dark quickly, so only high positions continued to receive sunlight. Meanwhile, low places like the ground have almost no sunlight left. Passenger planes usually fly at an altitude of about 10km. The airflow created by the plane continues to receive sunlight, scatter and reflect, so we can see very clearly, especially at sunset.

Airplane vapor trails are released from the engine, not smoke. This vapor stream has a higher temperature than the surrounding environment because aircraft often fly at an altitude of about 8-13km – where the temperature can drop to minus 55 degrees Celsius. Mr. Phuong said, warmer air flow will crystallize. , freezes and according to the inertia of the moving plane, it will create a streak of light that Mr. Vu recorded.

Flying Saucers” appeared in Dong Nai in 1991?

A blogger recounted that there was a suspected “flying saucer” case that appeared in Vietnam in 1991 in a remote countryside in Tan Lap 1 hamlet, Cay Gao commune, Thong Nhat district, Dong Nai province. At 20:00 in the summer of 1991, on the southeast edge of the rubber forest in Tan Lap 1 hamlet, a column of bright red fire rose higher than the top of a decades-old tree for a few seconds and then disappeared.

This blogger describes: “The strange object was as big as a three-room house with five wings extending out, the end of the wing emitted a long blue stream of fire flying over the rubber forest. The sound from the strange object was like The wind blew through the car window at high speed, the strange object flew to the north and disappeared into the night.

The object is suspected to be a “flying saucer” based on analysis and speculation: “Appearing in a remote countryside with inadequate facilities, what fuel can be used to create a giant column of fire like the one used to create a flying saucer?” created from a spacecraft leaving the launch pad?

UFO mystery


Currently, public opinion is still skeptical about unidentified flying objects – UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). UFOs have appeared in many places around the world, with many records appearing in the UK with hundreds of cases recorded in 2009.

The US government always tried to explain that it was just flares, weather balls or airplanes. However, many people still claim that what they saw was an alien spacecraft.

Many people affirmed that they had definitely seen ”flying saucers”; While others believe that flying saucers are a product of human imagination. Not only in Vietnam, but with world public opinion, “flying saucers” are still a mystery that many people are interested in.

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