Five Projection Concerning The Sixth Generation Fighter


United State, Russia, and China have already presented their fifth generation aircraft. Undoubtedly, the United States is ahead with its F-22s and F-35s, both in quantity and quality.

The first fifth generation fighters appeared in the United States in 2003 and entered service in 2005. Russia and China are gradually catching up with the states and developing their machines, but some of them are still not fully completed.

Despite this, there is already active talk about the next 6th generation fighter. It is not yet entirely clear what it will be, but already now, experts in the military sphere are giving six predictions – what the sixth generation fighter should be like.

6th Generation Fighter Jets and the Future of Aerial Wᴀʀғᴀʀᴇ:

#1. For promising aircraft, the latest system of onboard radio-electronic equipment will be developed, combining means of communication, electronic ᴡᴀʀғᴀʀᴇ and radar.

#2. The plane will be a real center for data collection and processing. Equipped with a high-performance computer and AI (artificial intelligence), which will make it easier for the pilot to make decisions in the most difficult situations.

#3. It is believed that the new generation aircraft will be use wingman during flight mission (as Su-57 and its wingman S-70 Okhotnik). The AI ​​on the lead aircraft will control the slave UAVs.

#4. Self-landing on aircraft carrier cruisers will be another feature of the next generation aircraft. Such technologies already exist and need to be improved.

#5. Unification of avionics. This measure will simplify repair and maintenance, as well as modernization in the future on a modular basis.

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