Elephant Graduation: Three Orphaned Girls Begin Their Wild Adventure


Three young female elephants, Naleku, Suguroi, and Sagateisa, marked a significant milestone on January 18, graduating from the Nursery to the Ithumba Reintegration Unit in Tsavo East National Park. This transition signifies their progression towards a life in the wild.

Naleku, the once youngest member of the Nursery, has grown into a resilient and capable young elephant.

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Alongside her are Suguroi, who has transformed from a rebellious youngster to a caring adult, and Sagateisa, who overcame near-death experiences to emerge as a strong survivor. Each brings their unique story and spirit to their new home in Tsavo.

Their graduation day was not without its moments of hesitation, particularly for Naleku, who seemed to sense the occasion’s significance.

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However, with the allure of milk bottles, they eventually embarked on their journey to Tsavo, arriving with confidence and ready to explore their new surroundings.

At Ithumba, the girls were warmly welcomed by both human caretakers and fellow elephant residents, including old Nursery friends and even former orphaned elephants who seemed eager to bond with the newcomers.

Their integration into the group was met with excitement and care as they quickly adapted to life in Tsavo.

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From gleeful mud baths to feasting on lush greenery, the girls enthusiastically embraced their new environment, guided by both their instincts and the support of their new companions.

As they settle into their new home, they begin a journey toward maturity and eventual independence, laying the foundation for future generations of wild elephants in Tsavo.

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