Dog smiles for 279 days looking for a home in adorable photo with first family. hanh


Malcolm is a quite special dog who for a long time had to suffer the harshness of life on the street, until he arrived at a shelter where he thought everything would change but it turned out that he still had to overcome some tests before being truly happy. .This is one of the many moving stories of those furry dogs who for days wait for someone to notice them inside the shelters.


Malcolm was brought to  the Animal Rescue League of Michigan (United States)  as a stray dog. At that time, no one knew anything about his past, but his physical marks spoke of all the hardships he had endured.

The caregivers were worried that these traumas would affect the dog’s evolution, but the truth is that  Malcolm showed in a short time how incredible he was capable of being.Everyone at the shelter fell in love with the canine’s personality.

“Malcolm is quite a character. When people came into his kennel, she often greeted them with a toy in her mouth, prancing in a circle with her entire butt wagging happily. He was always an easy dog ​​to introduce to new volunteers; Just give him some treats to break the ice, and he’ll be good to go,” said MARL staff member Tommy Sanfilippo.h-a-n-h

With such a charismatic and docile personality, everyone believed that the dog’s stay in the place would be very brief.

There was no doubt that the boy would soon be able to make the right family fall in love with him.

But as the days passed, the caregivers began to lose hope. Nobody knew what was happening but the truth was that other dogs were adopted, except Malcolm.The dog soon became the oldest resident of the place.h-a-n-h

This kennel is characterized by the speed of the adoption process, so the furry dog ​​in question had come to represent a challenge for everyone.h-a-n-h

Many wondered  what happened to good Malcolm who couldn’t make a family fall in love with him,  if everyone at the shelter was enchanted by his personality.Although some were sad about the situation, the matter did not bother the dog much.

Malcolm got used to everyone at the shelter quite quickly and thanks to his charming attitude with the kids he managed to find his ideal family. The dog was adopted by a former  shelter volunteer.“He was already good friends with his new mother; She met him while she was volunteering with us and she had spent a lot of time with him. They even went on a few outings together: to the park, to the pet store and even to her house,” Sanfilippo said.h-a-n-h

Sharing with the girl was nothing new for the dog, but this little one seems to have detected something different the day he took his first formal photo with those who would be his temporary family.“I think he realized there was something different that day. “Her huge smile as she posed for a photo with her new family is truly worth a thousand words,” Sanfilippo said.h-a-n-h

After a wait of 279 days, the boy was adopted and, although his caregivers were a little sad, good Malcolm seems to have smiled wholeheartedly at his new life.His family often sends photos to shelter staff to keep them updated on the dog’s condition.h-a-n-h

The dog fit perfectly into his new home, he loves walks in the park and adventures with his owners. That’s why we can say that this friend waited for the family he had always deserved, a responsible and loving one.At the end of the day all the waiting was worth it, because we know that the furry friend will be happy forever.h-a-n-h

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