Creative Solution: Parents Use Color-Coded Toe Nails to Tell Triplets Apart


When it comes to identical twins or triplets, parents often face the inevitable question: “How do you tell them apart?” For one family, however, this challenge has been met with a unique and colorful solution – color-coding their triplets’ toe nails.

Proud parents Karen and Ian Gilbert, hailing from Pontypool, South Wales, devised a clever method to differentiate their three little girls by painting each of their toenails with a distinct color. Baby Ffion sports fuchsia polish, Maddison rocks mint green, and Paige flaunts purple, ensuring that their identities remain easily discernible.

According to Karen, who is a full-time mother, their triplets have already made a mark in the world of television before even reaching the age of one. Describing her daughters as “lovely little girls” who have brought immeasurable joy into their lives, Karen expresses her gratitude for the unique bond shared among the trio.

Their local supermarket, Morrisons, has even gone the extra mile by ordering a special treble baby seat shopping trolley to accommodate the growing family. Meanwhile, their four-year-old daughter Faye eagerly lends a hand by assisting in painting the babies’ toe nails, adding an extra touch of familial camaraderie.

Despite the challenges that come with raising triplets, Karen emphasizes that they wouldn’t have it any other way. In her words, “We have treble trouble – but we wouldn’t have it any other way.”

The Gilbert family’s inventive approach not only serves as a practical solution to a common dilemma but also underscores the boundless creativity and love that defines their journey as a family of five.

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