China captures a radio signal from a planet similar to Earth for 20 minutes


China detects a radio signal from an Earth-like planet for 20 minutes.

The Fast radio telescope, located in southwest China, has recently gained prominence by capturing a radio signal from a planet that shares striking similarities with Earth. This signal, detected for approximately 20 minutes, has aroused the interest of both the scientific community and the general public. In this article, we will explore the details of this fascinating find and its importance to our understanding of the universe.

A Chinese Telescope Did Not Find an Alien Signal. The Search Continues. -  The New York Times

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence

The Fast radio telescope has been used to search for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence, using narrowband radio signals, similar to those we use in our own electromagnetic communications. This search focuses on capturing intentional transmissions or signal leaks that may indicate the presence of intelligent life in the cosmos.

The mysterious origin of the signal

The intriguing thing about this signal captured by the Fast telescope is that it does not appear to be the result of natural astrophysical processes. Instead, it appears to have been emitted intentionally or as a result of a signal leak from space. This fact suggests the possibility that there is an intelligent source behind the emission.

Repeating radio signal leads astronomers to an Earth-size exoplanet | CNN

The discovery

During the 20-minute period in which the signal was detected, the Fast telescope pointed toward the Kepler-438 system, located approximately 473 light years from Earth. Most surprising, however, is that all of the telescope’s receiving divisions recorded the data in the same way, although only one of them pointed specifically toward Kepler-438. This phenomenon suggests a broad and consistent signal emission.

Potentially habitable planets

Analysis by American and Chinese astronomers revealed that the Fast telescope had examined a total of 33 planetary systems, including 29 planets that could support life forms similar to those we know on Earth. Five of these planets are in the transition zone, meaning they could be observed by potential extraterrestrial observers, allowing them to witness our solar system in action.

The signaling planet

The radio signal detected by the Fast telescope comes from the Kepler-438 system, located in the Lyra constellation. This system is home to a planet called Kepler-438b, which astronomers have identified as a potential candidate for hosting life due to its similarities to Earth. Kepler-438b is located outside our solar system and represents an object of great interest for the search for extraterrestrial life.

Signal evaluation

Researchers from the University of California and Peking University have carried out a comprehensive analysis of the signal captured by Kepler-438. After reviewing the data, they concluded that the signal met the criteria to be considered possible evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence. This finding rules out the possibility that the signal is the result of natural phenomena or artificial satellite communications.


The discovery of this radio signal from an Earth-like planet is an important milestone in the search for extraterrestrial life. It reminds us of the immensity and diversity of the universe, as well as the possibility that we are not alone in the cosmos. As we continue to explore the far reaches of space, it is exciting to contemplate the possibilities that await us and the questions that remain to be answered.

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