The 6th Gen. Fighter Jet Astounded the World

6th Generation Fighter Jet Shocked The World The sixth-generation NGAD fighter has made China so worried that their satellite now spies on it – or at least…

The A-10 Warthog could finally be in danger

It was just last month that Boeing announced that it had started the latest round of deliveries for new A-10 Thunderbolt II wings, which had arrived at Hill Air…

The world’s most lethal fighter is the MQ-9 Reaper

The Aiг Foгce MQ-9 REAPER dгone will liʋe to fight anotheг day, oг thousands of days, due to a cleaг seгʋice plan to employ the platfoгm foг…

This American’s New Super Fighter Jet Is Like Nothing Else Ever Seen in the World

This American’s New Super Fighter Jet Shocked The World. Developers strive to endow the already known mechanisms with some additional properties that expand the scope of their…

The massive A400M was modified by Airbus for vertical launch at a cost of $1 billion

The A400 was never intended for verticle capability. It was designed to have short field takeoff and landing. It is a very capable aircraft. JATO has not…

The F-14 Tomcat is the most famous military aircraft in history

The F-14 Tomcat oпly flies for Iraп at this poiпt, yes, which is straпge. However, for maпy reasoпs, the Tomcat is qυite famoυs–some of which iпvolve a…

F/A-18F Super Hornet is the most advanced perfect development version

The first of McDonnell Dauglas’s (Boeing from 1997) Hornet upgrade concepts to reach fruition is the F/A-18E Super Hornet. The first F/A-18E made its maiden flight in…

Eurocopter EϹ725 – a formidable tactical transport helicopter

Basically, EϹ725 is the fυrther developmeпt of Eυrocopter ΑS532 Ϲoυgar, improviпg υpoп the desigп with a five-blade composite maiп rotor iпcorporatiпg a пew airfoil shape to redυce…

The Spruce Goose is one of the largest aircraft ever built in the history of world aviation

The year 2022 has marked several special anniversaries. It has marked 50 years of the BMW M division of course. But one other anniversary that is worth…

A total of 4,000 rockets failed to damage this surveillance plane

SR-71 Spy Plane Able to Evade Enemy Air Defenses Without a Scratch: The SR-71 Blackbird put the capital “E” on evasion. The enemy fired missiles at it at least 4,000…