A strange dinosaur skeleton was discovered during excavation in Canada


The intact skeleton buried underground is about a meter long, and the animal possessed predatory teeth. Workers reported their discovery to experts at Igdiro University’s Center for Biodiversity Applications and Research after noticing that part of the skeletal tissues had not yet dissolved.

Scientists came on the scene and moved the skeleton to the university. Tests will be performed here to determine the type of animal.

According to Belkis Muk Yigit, a lecturer at the University of Igdir, after research, an attempt will be made to identify the species:

“Then we’ll make certain that this skeleton is kept in the museum.”

Excavation manager Yusuf Kytai stated that employees discovered an animal skeleton while excavating on a site that had not been used in 30-40 years. The shape of the bones piqued the workers’ interest, according to Kitit, and they reported it to the authorities.

“We told the authorities that it seemed like an intriguing animal with claws instead of hooves and sharp jaws.”

“I hope that something fascinating and important for science is discovered,” he added.

Some have speculated that it could be the famous Chupacabra.

The chupacabra is a mystery creature in portions of the Americas folklore, with the first documented sightings in Puerto Rico in 1995. The term stems from the chupacabra’s purported vampirism—the animal is claimed to attack and consume the blood of livestock, notably goats.

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