A Scientist Proposes the Universe’s Expansion Could Be an Illusion. He Might Be Right.


In recent research probing the cosmological constant enigma, there emerges a notion that the apparent expansion of the cosmos might be a deception. A study introduces the notion that the cosmic expansion might be an optical illusion, potentially stirring controversy.

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This reevaluation of the universe also proposes resolutions to the enigmatic phenomena of dark energy and dark matter, which comprise approximately 95% of the universe’s energy and matter content yet remain enshrouded in mystery.

The innovative approach is outlined in a paper released in the Classical and Quantum Gravity journal, authored by Lucas Lombriser, a theoretical physics professor at the University of Geneva.

The observation of redshift, wherein light waves stretch towards the redder spectrum as their source moves away, confirms the universe’s expansion. Galaxies farther from us exhibit higher redshifts, indicating their continual movement away from Earth.

Recent findings suggest that the universe’s expansion isn’t constant but rather accelerating. This acceleration is quantified by the cosmological constant, often denoted as lambda.

Cosmologists have grappled with the cosmological constant due to a substantial disparity between theoretical predictions and empirical observations, differing by 120 orders of magnitude. This discrepancy has been labeled as one of physics’ most egregious misjudgments.

While cosmologists typically propose novel particles or forces to reconcile these differences, Lombriser approaches the problem by reimagining existing frameworks.

“We adopt a fresh perspective on the cosmos and its unresolved enigmas through a mathematical transformation of its governing physical laws,” explained Lombriser in correspondence with Live Science.

In Lombriser’s reinterpretation, the universe isn’t expanding but rather exists as a static, flat entity, akin to Einstein’s earlier conception. Observable expansion phenomena are attributed to the evolving masses of particles, such as protons and electrons, over time.

According to this model, these particles arise from a field permeating space-time. Fluctuations in this field dictate particle masses, consequently influencing the cosmological constant. While the constant fluctuates over time, its variations stem from evolving particle masses rather than universal expansion.

Field fluctuations in this model yield greater redshifts for distant galaxy clusters than conventional cosmological models predict, aligning with the model’s predictions.

“I was astonished to find that the cosmological constant quandary seems to vanish within this new cosmic outlook,” remarked Lombriser.

Lombriser’s new framework also addresses other cosmological conundrums, including the enigmatic nature of dark matter. This invisible substance surpasses ordinary matter particles by a 5 to 1 ratio but remains elusive due to its lack of interaction with light.

Lombriser suggests that field fluctuations could emulate an axion field, potentially explaining dark matter. Additionally, these fluctuations may negate the need for dark energy, the hypothetical force driving galaxies apart at an accelerating pace. According to Lombriser, dark energy’s effects could be elucidated by alternate evolutionary paths of particle masses in the universe’s later stages.

“In principle, there is no necessity for dark energy,” added Lombriser.

Luz Ángela García, a post-doctoral researcher at the Universidad ECCI in Bogotá, Colombia, expressed admiration for Lombriser’s novel interpretation and its potential to resolve numerous cosmological puzzles.

“The paper presents intriguing insights and offers unconventional solutions to cosmological dilemmas,” remarked García, who was not involved in the research. “It provides a promising avenue for addressing current cosmological tensions.”

However, García cautioned against overreliance on the paper’s findings, noting elements of the theoretical model that may prove challenging to test observationally, at least in the foreseeable future.

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