A pair of strange and extremely poisonous green snakes decide to fight for the “beauty”


According to Earth Touch News, the incident was recorded by famous photographer Corlette Wessels while walking on South Coast beach, South Africa.

“At first we were afraid to get close because we weren’t sure what was going on,” Wessels explained.

After determining that he was not in danger, Wessels took out his phone to record the scene of two green mamba snakes entwined tightly together.

“I started filming because I knew this was a very rare sight and it was very difficult to see two green mambas fighting on the beach like that a second time.”

The way two male snakes twist together is often misunderstood as a mating habit in the viper family. “The two male snakes looked like they were wrestling. The one with the stronger push will win.” says expert Shaun Bodington.

A pair of strange and extremely poisonous green snakes decide to fight for the 'beauty' - first

Two male green mamba snakes entwined with each other in fierce battle.

To win, the snakes constantly pressed on each other, trying their best to pin the opponent to the ground. The first exhausted snake will retreat, leaving the female snake that often loiters nearby to the winner.

The green mamba is a poisonous and very aggressive snake. They often live in trees in Africa and rarely encounter humans. According to experts, when seeing this snake in the wild, visitors should only observe at a safe distance.

Green mamba snake venom is highly toxic, causing damage to the human nervous and cardiovascular systems. People bitten by mamba snakes feel nausea, dizziness, abnormal heart rate and eventually paralysis of the respiratory system.

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