A necropolis with around 12,000 nearly undisturbed burials from Archaic and Warrior corpses discovered in Hellenic Sicily


Ben Bishop, a man in his 30s from Bridgewater, UK often enjoys treasure hunting.

Ben Bishop, a man in his 30s from Bridgewater, United Kingdom has a hobby of treasure hunting. According to Ben Bishop, the gold ring was found while he was using a metal detector in the field. This is also his main job, finding and removing metal waste to ensure that the fields meet soil standards.

A guy dug a very precious 400-year-old gold ring: Absolutely no museum dares to display it – Why? – Photo 1.The ring was found with a metal detector (Photo: Kknews)

At first, he thought it was just pieces of coke cans or some iron object, so he dug it up to throw it away, no This time, he found a gold ring. Ben Bishop was so excited, he decided to clean the ring and go find a museum to have it examined.

The museum’s staff identified this gold ring as an artifact dating back 400 years. It is an Elizabethan Golden Age jewelry.

This ring weighs 17 grams and is crafted from pure gold with exquisite craftsmanship. Experts value it at up to 10,000 pounds. However, when Ben Bishop offered to hand over the ring to the museum, they refused.

A guy dug a very precious 400-year-old gold ring: Absolutely no museum dares to display it – Why? – Photo 2.Close-up of the ring dating from 400 years ago (Photo: Kknews)

Although he went to ask a few museums, the answer was still no, which made Ben Bishop feel extremely confused.

As it turns out, the reason is that in the UK, the law stipulates that cultural relics excavated by individuals will belong to that person, whether the state or the museum wants to collect them, they can only buy them back. . However, the value of this gold ring is quite high, so not every museum can afford it.

A guy dug a very precious 400-year-old gold ring: Absolutely no museum dares to display it – Why? – Photo 3.The ring is valued at up to 10,000 pounds (Photo: Kknews)

Therefore, Ben Bishop had to post the gold ring online to find people who wanted to buy it back. But the field where Ben Bishop found the ring belonged to someone else, so he and the owner negotiated that after selling the ring, they would split the money.

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