A Large Python Was Seen Eating a Rainbow Lorikeet While Swinging Backwards



A coastal carpet python has been pictured feasting on a rainbow lorikeet while hanging upside down.

Snake Eats Bird

Stuart McKenzie, of Australian snake removal business Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7, posted the photographs of the snake to Facebook.

In the photographs the coastal carpet python can be seen hanging upside down from the roof.

The bird’s wings can be seen on either side of the snake, as its head is completely engulfed by the snake’s mouth.

“Nature can be incredible and brutal at the same time!” McKenzie said in a Facebook caption. “Yes, snakes may eat beautiful birds or soft and cuddly possums from time to time, but remember one of the main food items they eat are rodents. Who doesn’t like free rodent control around your home! Snakes play an extremely important roles in our environment, please give them the respect they deserve.”

Carpet pythons are found almost everywhere in Australia except Tasmania. They live in a wide range of habitats from the wet tropics to near arid deserts.

Coastal carpet pythons are one of the largest snakes found on the Sunshine Coast. They grow up to 11 feet. In some rare cases, particularly large ones can reach 13 feet. The species is commonly found along the Sunshine Coast, and can often slither into residential areas in search of food or shelter.

Diamond python feasts on a rainbow lorikeet | Southern Highland News | Bowral, NSW

The snakes usually feast on rodents, possums, reptiles, birds and frogs. However, some particularly large animals can feast on cats, dogs and chickens.

The snakes are not venomous but they are incredibly strong, with a mouth full of needle-like teeth.

The species kills its prey by suffocation—it strikes, capturing the prey, and then proceeds to coil around its body. Each time the prey takes a breath, the python will constrict more and more, until eventually the victim dies. The snake then swallows it whole.

Snakes are often observed eating food that appears much larger than their bodies. Snakes do not dislocate their jaws, contrary to popular belief. They have flexible skulls that allow them to move their jaws over large prey.

Python eating lorrikeet at Brisbane home caught on camera

If prey is too big for a carpet python, it will not usually swallow and spit it back out. If the snake does manage to swallow prey that is too large, it will try to regurgitate it or it could die.

Over 250 social media users commented on the photographs.

Anne Orman wrote in a comment: “Nature at it’s finest and there isn’t a shortage of Rainbow lorikeets.”

“Props to the snake. I don’t think that would have been an easy catch,” Melissa Stokes said

Iza Irene Curtis said: “Beautiful snake , just doing what we all have to do to survive. Eat!”



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