A helpless gray pitbull makes an agonizing cry for assistance in this heartbreaking display.


Building maintenance workers are always willing to help residents with more than one problem. But the employee in Clayto, Georgia, faced a bigger problem than just a bucket of water, when he discovered what was happening behind the closed doors of the apartments.

When he asked the man to come look at the problem in the building, there was something that disturbed him even more than he could imagine.

The most logical solution would be to notify Animal Control, but it would only leave the alert on the door of the wrongful owner’s apartment. Finally, the worker was presented with the opportunity to help the child.

Because of this action, the employee missed the moment and decided to adopt it. The first thing he did was free him from the cage and take him to Graysoп Aпimal Hospital in Gwiппett’s neighborhood.

“When he arrived here he was crying, screaming, he was incredulous. This is the worst case I have ever seen. He is very sweet and affectionate. “All I want to do is kiss you,” said Alive Ciппamoп Koch, rescuer.

The puppy was not only emaciated, but also had some rashes on its paws. Despite his past, the creature had hopes of improving.

The puppy was named Mikey by the man who rescued him and was the dog’s only lover. Shortly after arriving at the hospital, the girls heard the story and decided to donate their benefits to cover the expenses of the Pit Bυll.

Apbelle, Ari, Addie and Rylee fell in love with Mikey and are doing everything they can to help him.

The puppy weighed less than 10 kilos when he was admitted to the hospital. His weight is quite low for his size, because according to veterinarian Dr. Johп Tollive, Mikey should weigh at least 20 kilograms. We hope that soon you can recover physically and emotionally from your past tragedies. For their part, authorities are investigating the details of the story to determine the owner’s responsibility.

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