A dog, previously rescued from fatal burns, expresses overwhelming joy upon seeing his vet again.-davinci



In March 2017, firefighters in West Palm Beach, Florida, received a report about a brush fire near a homeless camp.

Captain Gregg Gordon and his crew arrived promptly. When they arrived, they found a heartbreaking sight: a severely burnt guard dog tethered to a tree. The poor dog was in severe discomfort.



After severing the dog’s chain, firefighter Marcos Orozca took him to Jupiter Pet Emergency and Specialty Center (JPESC). The firefighters named the pup Smokey.

“The tiny boy was pretty thoroughly burnt up,” Gordon told The Palm Beach Post. “Even when we seized him, he was upset. ” I was concerned for his survival.”

The veterinarian, Dr. Latimer, hurried the pup into treatment. He found the most serious burns on the dog’s back torso and hind legs. Dr. Latimer told the firefighters that the dog would be alright despite the fact that he would require extensive treatment and care.

“During his time with us at JPESC, Smokey received many blood transfusions (THANK YOU “Shadow”), regular bathing, and bandage/wrap changes.” According to JPESC’s Facebook page, he also received hyperbaric chamber treatments to aid with swelling and agony from the many burns.

When Smokey initially came at JPESC, he was apprehensive and scared of everyone. However, as time passed, the dog felt more at comfortable with the vets and nurses. After the firefighters who rescued him returned to visit him, Captain Gordon chose to foster the pup while he recovered from his injuries.

Captain Gordon took Smokey home and introduced him to his two dogs. The pup was ecstatic to have new playmates!



A week after bringing Smokey home, Captain Gordon took him to JPESC for a check-up. As soon as Dr. Latimer entered the room, Smokey sprung to his feet and embraced him! Dr. Latimer had plainly saved the dog’s life, and he wanted to express his gratitude.

“As you can see, he is quite appreciative for all of the love, care, and time he received during his stay with us!” Welcome back, Smokey!” JPESC uploaded a video on YouTube.



Smokey received even more wonderful news during this check-up. One of the other vets, Dr. Katelyn Thomas, had fallen in love with him. She decided to adopt him and gave him the name Fen.



Smokey/Fen has been living with his mother for the past two years. The pup likes his new home and remains as nice as can be. Fen has developed a love for swimming, and he and his mother have many adventures together.

Fen never forgot his old friend Dr. Latimer. In 2018, Fen was the mascot for the Peggy Adams Walk for Animals. Dr. Latimer was also present, and when Fen spotted him, he ran over to him and leaped into his arms!

Fen had a rough start in life, but he has since recovered from his injuries and is now in a forever home! Check watch the video below to observe Fen and Dr. Latimer’s poignant reunion.




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