A deaf pit bull’s courageous battle against life-threatening blisters shows indomitable determination and resilience 🐾.alva01


As if being stung by thousands of bees wasn’t already bad enough, he was abandoned at a shelter after the incident by his family.

The deaf Pit Bull, subsequently dubbed Stinger by rescuers, came at the shelter covered in life-threatening blisters all over his body.

As they couldn’t treat a dog in this bad of condition, they planned on euthanizing him.

That’s when Carri Shipaila, who operates LuvnPupz rescue in Greater  Grand Rapids, MI, stepped in to help. As soon as she heard about Stinger, she hopped in her car and drove nearly an hour to take him up from the shelter.

Regrettably, his family declined to take him, so she immediately began to work to save Stinger’s life. They treated his stings, as well as a subsequent skin infection and sarcoptic mange.

Unfortunately, he wound up having Pemphigus, an autoimmune illness, which he will suffer for the rest of his life.

Because of the costs of his care, he will never be up for adoption, but he did find a loving forever home with a foster and will continue to receive care and therapy from LuvnPupz.

Stinger has come such a long way from when he first was dumped at the shelter. His painful blisters have finally healed and he has a gorgeous white coat.

He is such a lively, loving dog and is enjoying his new life in a loving home!

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