A 9,500-year-old “lost city” underwater off the coast of India has been found


Divers unintentionally uncovered what was thought to be a big “lost town” in India, tipped it to rewrite the region’s historical history.

Marine archaeologists discovered the remains in the Gulf of Cambay, off India’s western coast.

Using sonar scanning equipment, which shoots a beam of sound waves down to the ocean, they uncovered gigantic geometrical shapes.

The huge area, which spanned five miles long and two miles broad, was supposed to precede the subcontinent’s earliest known remains by more than 5,000 years, but this has been disputed.

Their discovery was made by chance during Graham Hancock’s program ‘Underworld — Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age.’

“The end of the great Ice Age shaped the planet we live in today,” the phony archaeologist asserted.

“As the ice caps melted and sea levels climbed 400 feet, a massive amount of water rushed into the seas.”

“Floods engulfed the world’s best coastline regions, and all traces of the humans who lived there perished beneath the waves.

“Could hundreds of flood tales from all across the world have been inspired by this massive flooding?”

Mr Hancock went on to explain why he thought the find in India may be related to the Ice Age, despite the fact that his study has never been published in an academic publication.

“New evidence from the ocean’s depths in India is proving the story to be true,” he claimed.

“In late 2001, scientists doing pollution investigations in the Gulf of Cambay in northwest India discovered an amazing incidental finding.”

“They discovered remnants of an old metropolis covering a wide region of the seabed 25 miles from coast, at a depth of 120 feet.”

“The finding threatened to debunk all archaeologists thought they knew about civilisation’s beginnings.”

Mr Hancock went on to describe what he thought they had retrieved from the sea. “They discovered a metropolis the size of Manhattan with gigantic walls and plazas,” he added.

“And man-made artefacts from the drowned cities have returned carbon dates as ancient as 9,500 years — 5,000 years older than any other metropolis unearthed by archaeologists anywhere.”

“It suggests we’re dealing with a civilisation that vanished at the end of the Ice Age, possibly even one of the flood-era civilizations mentioned in flood myths.”

The carbon dating of site debris, which included building materials, ceramics, wall parts, beads, sculpture, and human bones, was controversial.

Dredging was used to retrieve items at the site rather than a supervised archaeological excavation, according to one main concern. As a result, some scholars believe that these artifacts cannot be clearly linked to a location, especially because the Gulf of Mexico is connected to several rivers.

Due to this, several prominent archaeologists rejected a piece of wood that was recovered and dated to 7500BC as having any significance in dating the site in particular.

Chairman of the Paleoclimate Group and founder of Carbon-14 testing facilities in India, Dr D.P. Agrawal, explained in an article in Frontline Magazine that the piece was dated twice, at separate laboratories.

The National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) returned a date of 7190 BC and the Birbal Sahni Institute of Paleobotany (BSIP) returned a date of 7545-7490BC. Dr Agrawal contested that the discovery of an ancient piece of wood implies the discovery of an ancient civilisation.

He argued that the wood piece is a common find, given that 20,000 years ago the Arabian Sea was 100 metres lower than its current level, and that the gradual sea-level rise submerged entire forests. Instead, most agree that the divers simply found a large cache of archaeological remains spread across the area.


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