Hello everyone, to prepare for a trip abroad, which outfit should I choose from all of the above.alva01



Darkness covered the ground, only a small mosquito repellent light shot through each street corner. She was upset, her green eyes were as deep as the night ocean, a vague cloud covered her sad appearance. Her curly hair hung loose in the gentle breeze, like soft silk strands that wanted to tell the many thoughts present in that girl’s soul.

In the darkness, gentle footsteps sounded like endless sad melodies. I feel sad, the image of a dreamy girl, walking in the middle of life with so many storms and storms. But in the dim light, she still kept her steps, not lost, not confused, just fading all the sadness and worries with her clear eyes and absent-minded curled hair.

Looking at that girl, one cannot help but think of flowers blooming in the barren desert, still proud and beautiful under the mysterious moonlight. Em Bu, with curly hair and blue eyes, is the image of arrogance and strength, but at the same time has a gentle beauty that captivates people’s hearts.


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