600-Million-Year-Old Fossils of Tiny Humanoids Found in Antarctica


A scouting team came upon a set of 600 million years old Tiny Humanoids that proved that human history is still a mystery to us all.

Recently, a new discovery was made that completely shocked everyone involved.

A scouting team was following up on a pretty silly tabloid about a UFO based that was seemingly spotted in the area when they met up with another team that made quite the discovery, to say the least.

They came upon a set of 600 million years old tiny humanoids that proved that human history is still a mystery to us all. In case you didn’t know already, 600 million years ago we believed that the only creatures roaming the planet were jellyfish, but according to this finding, we might not have been as right as we originally thought.

These are by far the oldest skeletons we’ve ever uncovered, but what really sets them apart is their overall size. They are less than 10 inches in height and are by far our oldest ancestors yet.

10,000-Year-Old Painting With Bizarre Alien Beings and UFOs Was Found In a Cave In India

Intelligent extraterrestrial creatures existed long before human civilisation, according to the “Ancient astronauts” idea. In antiquity and prehistoric times, they visited our world and made contact with people.

A recent discovery in India appears to back up this notion. A cave in India was uncovered with drawings dating back 10,000 years that depict beings that resemble aliens we know today. Some UFOs can be seen plainly in some artworks.

These paintings were most likely created by the local population a long time ago, possibly as a result of a contact with an exceptionally evolved alien culture. These one-of-a-kind paintings were unearthed near the tribal region of Bastar.

As a result of recent discoveries, an increasing number of researchers are beginning to believe in the hypothesis of ancient aliens. These 10,000-year-old Indian paintings appear to provide even another reason to believe in the “Ancient Astronaut” idea.

Some inhabitants in that area adore those paintings and refer to them beings as “the small-sized ones.” According to their tradition, such alien people came with the help of some flying devices, and each time they took 1 or 2 residents with them.

Those that were abducted by aliens do not appear to have returned. Their destiny is still unknown today. In some of the artworks, such aliens may be seen wearing a type of spacesuit. In some paintings, you can see how some facial characteristics, such as the nose or mouth, are absent.

Surprisingly, comparable artwork have been discovered in caves all across the world. This implies that the same extraterrestrial civilisation travels to several locations throughout the world. These are a few instances from throughout the world. What are your thoughts on these antique paintings? Please leave a remark below.

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