While protecting his human, a courageous dog was stabbed in the skull and surprisingly survived against all odds.


Dogs are one of the most loyal animals, capable of showering you with unconditional affection. They are not only loyal to, but also protective of the families in which they dwell.

A German Shepherd recently rescued its owner from a robbery and almost killed him in the process. The event happened in South Africa when Gino Wensel went on a stroll with his dog, Duke, according to Mail Online.

A few minutes later, though, he noticed a guy approaching him with a knife in his hand. When Duke noticed the robber, he started snarling at him. To halt it, the robber stabbed Duke in the head, gravely wounding it.

Duke, on the other hand, refused to back down, barking at the robber and frightened him away before dying in a pool of blood. Wensel mistook his dog for dead until he noticed the warrior was still alive.

With the assistance of a friend, he drove Duke to the Animal Welfare Society of South Africa (AWSSA). The knife’s blade miraculously missed Duke’s brain by centimeters, and the vet at the clinic rescued him. Duke’s therapy was free of charge since Wensel was jobless and had very little money.

“Their love is so important, and to be able to rescue Duke and return him to Gino was absolutely great,” specialists at the hospital said.

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