What You Didn’t Know About The Russian Heavy Flamethrower That Spread Fear In Ukraine

TOS-1 is for sure one of the most unique military weapons that the Russian army has used in the invasion of Ukraine. TOS-1 operates side by side with Russian convoys, providing fire support against Ukrainian defenses. In that way, the Russian main battle tanks and armored vehicles have a clear path to follow. From its design to its performance, the TOS-1 is capable of spreading fear on every battlefield. Let’s see why.

A Heavy Flamethrower

Russian TOS-1

TOS-1 is considered to be a heavy flamethrower system, but in essence, it’s a multiple rocket launch system (MRLS) that uses thermobaric rockets. Thermobaric rockets, and thermobaric weapons in general, are a type of explosive weapons that use oxygen from the surrounded air to produce a high-temperature explosion. Their effect can be very catastrophic.

The Soviet system was designed to provide direct fire support in infantry units and main battle tanks that move through the battlefield. So, as we stated earlier, TOS-1 follows the battle lines of other mechanized units.

When it comes to its unlucky targets, the system mainly engages with military personnel, fortifications, and armored vehicles. TOS-1 works as other MLRS systems but can fire a variety of different ammunition.

The heavy flamethrower was developed in the early ’80s and was used by the Soviet Army in Afghanistan. Later, Russian forces deployed the weapon system in Chechnya. During these operations, the weapon acquired the nickname “Buratino”. It’s also interesting to note that the original TOS-1 was only used for tests and evaluation and was never produced in quantity. It’s also fascinating that such a powerful system was never exported (the initial design).

TOS-1 can launch 220 mm missiles, while there are two available types of warheads: incendiary and thermobaric (fuel-air explosive bombs). The second choice is being preferred against defenses like fortifications, due to their catastrophic effect. Last but not least, the system features 30 launching tubes.

However, TOS-1 has a relatively limited range of just 2.1 miles. The closed targetable enemy can be 0.2 miles away. The system can launch a missile or a pair of missiles in just 0.5 seconds. A full salvo requires 7.5 or 15 seconds and covers an area of 655 to 1,300 feet.

TOS-1 is equipped with a modern fire control system. The navigation and the firing process take place inside the vehicle, although the crew is safe for counterattacks. The vehicle uses a modified T-72 chassis, which is the body of a Soviet-ear main battle tank. To move, there is a V-82-1 diesel engine that provides 340 miles of range and a top speed of 40 miles per hour.

What Version Does Russia Use In Ukraine?

TOS-1A heavy flamethrower

In the ongoing war in Ukraine, Russian forces have deployed the TOS-1A version that started serving in 2001. The BM-1 launch vehicle has 24 launch tubes, while the maximum range has increased to 3.7 miles.

Plus, now the systems are being escorted by the new ZM-T, which carries 12 missiles. It also carries 400 liters of fuel for the launching vehicle.

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