Vanessa Bryant Pens Heartfelt Father’s Day Message For Kobe


The wife of the late great Kobe Bryant, Vanessa Bryant, shared a heartfelt Father’s Day message toward her husband on social media.

Vanessa shared a photo via Instagram of Kobe and her four daughters, Natalia, Bianka, Capri, and Gianna.

Vanessa has been the face of the Bryant family since Kobe and her daughter Gianna died four years ago. She established herself as a businesswoman and philanthropist while also being a model before marrying Kobe in 2001.

Kobe and Vanessa began dating in 1999, while Kobe was in his third season in the NBA with the Lakers. They crossed paths on a music video set, and the rest is history. Kobe and Gianna left Vanessa and her three other kids behind in late January after they passed away in a helicopter accident.

Kobe was many things, especially on the court, known for his mentality, winning mindset, and championships; however, there was nothing more he was proud of than being a father to his four daughters. He made it known that he loved his girls and that being their father was the best thing he could and ever would be.

Vannessa still carries the Bryant name and ensures Kobe’s and Gianna’s legacy never dies.

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