US Is TESTING INSANE NEW $4 Billion Submarine TO BEAT China!

What US JUST DID With NEW $4 Billion Submarine TO BEAT China Is INSANE!

The oceans will turn red! The waters will be galloped by fire! A terrible bloodbath is imminent. Can you hear the siren of world war 3? Brace yourselves, anything can happen. Russia and China are coming together and most probably the oceans will witness the horror of war. But, The United States is ready with their insane $4 billion submarine.

Global tensions are increasing, and with China in East Asia and Russia in Eastern Europe, a great-power war is on its way. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army has specifically opposed the U.S. Navy’s long-standing hegemony in the Pacific by trying to stop American forces from intervening in the “Asian Mediterranean.”

The Communist Party of China’s bluster and self-assurance appear to be expanding alongside its regional power. Consequently, geopolitical experts think that the International seas will undoubtedly serve as the main battleground in the days ahead.

As a result, submarines are once again acknowledged as being essential to maintaining a strong military. Frankly speaking, even common people like you and I somehow knew it was going to happen. Without control at sea, it has historically been hard for a nation to maintain its global military stature.

Without the aid of submarines, surface ships have likewise been unable to maintain control at sea since World War I. Because of their expanding cruise and ballistic missile capabilities, submarines are now crucial to not only naval campaigns but also any significant land offensive.

US Is TESTING INSANE NEW $4 Billion Submarine TO BEAT China!

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